Harmony Meets the World is an adventurous, magical, and educational chapter book series for young readers. The series features eight-year-old explorer Harmony Riley Cruz. In each book, Harmony’s magic binoculars transport her to a festival around the world. During her adventure, she meets a new local friend, soaks in the culture, and learns about the unique festival. Plus, she always finds a special connection to home. From the vibrant music and dancing of the Sun Festival in Peru to the glowing lights of Diwali in India, an exploration of a lifetime awaits!

Book 1: Invitation to the Sun Festival
The chase is on! When Harmony’s magic binoculars transport her to the Sun Festival in Cusco, Peru, she discovers she has a long-lost relic. Can Harmony and her new friend, Apichu, return it to the Inca emperor before the festival ends? Or will it be too late?

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Book 2: Let’s Dance It’s Obon
It’s time to dance in Tokyo, Japan! When Harmony’s new friend, Riko, teaches her a special dance for the Obon Festival, Harmony struggles with the steps. Can Harmony learn the dance in time for the big performance?

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Book 3: Happy Diwali!
There are fireworks, food, and fun when Harmony spends Diwali with a family in New Delhi, India. But when a quarrel erupts, Harmony must help mend it. Can she do it and save the joyous Diwali spirit?